CrosslinkTM believes serving the community is one of the prime characteristic features that reflect in our company policy. It also helps develop civic and social responsibility skills and become more aware of what their community needs.  Finding the solutions to the problem in areas of life and educating the community on social issues and aspects is one of our programs

We are planning  to conduct half yearly program especially in coordination with authorities concerned on the following:

1)    Land, Waste & Cleanups
2)    Removing debris from Coastal line
3)    Water Monitoring
4)    Planting Trees
5)    How to sustain a healthy environment
6)    Observations to Benefit  Environment  

Many people participate in community service because they enjoy helping others and improving their community.  

Our objective is to show a way to the community as a whole and to encourage the individuals, groups and children to acquire life skills and knowledge and to implant a seed in their hearts a fruit of sharing and caring. It is to make a better citizen to the society.



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