Specialist Contractor for Structural/Concrete Repair and Restoration

CrosslinkTM is a specialist contractor for structural/concrete repair and restoration, provide engineering & support services for all sectors of industry. We have aligned & partner with many leading chemcial adhesives manufactuer’s in the world to carryout structural adhesives for concrete repair and restoration works. Because of the flexibility of using mutliple chemical vendors, our technical experts can assure and commit a quality service with mimimum price and also help us to prepare a tailormade proposal for the clients based on the requirements.

We provide technical guidance on practical work applications for a variety of complex Crack Injection projects and Structural strengthening to relieve stresses generated by design or construction errors, or to restore original load capacity to damaged structural elements. Whatever, your requirements are, as an experienced concrete company has the resources (technically, skilled labour, a wide selection of materials, and the right equipment) to accommodate all your needs.

Why Concrete Requires Repair?

  • Rebar Corrosion
  • Alkali-Silika Reactions (ASR)
  • Cavitation | Abrasion
  • Freeze-Thaw Deterioration
  • Repair is Possible
  • What to Look For

Visual Signs of deterioration

  • Cracks
  • Rust stains
  • Efflorescence
  • Water leakage
  • Concrete spalling
  • Hollow sounding delamination

If you have any structural concrete restoration project you have in mind, please contact us to discuss your needs.

  • Concrete Repair
  • Concrete Replacement
  • Concrete Overlays and Resurfacing
  • Specialized Repair
  • Concrete Protection
  • Concrete Sealers
  • Concrete Waterproofing
  • Protective Coatings
  • Protective Linings
  • Industrial Flooring
  • Complex Injection (Grouting & Epoxy)
  • External Post Tensioning



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