Infrastructure and Engineering

Crosslink TM Provides a unique portfolio of solutions that protects and support innovative, tailor-made solutions especially to infrastructure developments in sectors, like oil, gas, energy and petrochemical industries.

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Specialized Cracking & Injection Solutions

CrosslinkTM is a specialist contractor for structural/concrete repair and restoration, provide engineering & support services for all sectors of industry.

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Comprehensive Architectural and BIM Solutions

Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Architectural, Structural and MEP are our core services.

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Environmental Management Services

 Team of professional environmental consultants provides superior solutions for environmental, natural, and cultural resource needs in private and public sectors.

Meeting Challenges through Innovations

Innovation is the space between a problem and it's solution. It is our goal to always improve ourselves and to develop new solutions for optimal solutions.

Training and Development Solutions

Our consultants who are professionals shall bring a unique blend of experience and creativity to assist others achieves.

Group & Associates  



P.B. No. 47249
Fahaheel 64023, Kuwait
Tel: (965)23924408, (965)23924406



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